Kate is a director + photographer based in Los Angeles.
Kate aims to tell stories that are intimate and authentic. A chance for the viewer to be immersed in the subject's world. She creates moments that are real and honest. She wants you to feel something - that is where her desire to create comes from. She wants to create connections between the viewer and the story. Always aiming for fresh angles and perspectives to create a visual that is captivating and exciting.
Her experience makes her calm and easy going on set, with no set being too big or small. She simply loves filmmaking and the magic of teamwork. She wears many hats - directing, operating the camera, adjusting the lights and of course her dodger hat.
Diving head first into the commercial world, Kate has created images and films for:
Adidas, Apple Music, Champs Sports, Converse, Ebay, Eddie Bauer, Estée Lauder, Fender, Fenty, Finish Line, Hershey’s, Instyle Magazine, Kotex, L’Oréal Paris, People Magazine, Nike, Nikon, Opening Ceremony, Puma, Reebok, Samsung, Sports Illustrated, Time Inc, Under Armour, Vans, Vogue Magazine.
Inspired by landscapes you can often find Kate getting lost in what mother nature has to offer.
Contact: kate@kkadams.com